Shelve Changes

“Shelving” of code is helpful for organizations that use Peer Reviews, Quality Assurance or reject/accept processes prior to checking their source code into their repository or source control system.

Name – This is a free form text field. It does not accept special characters.

Comments – This is a free form text field.

Undo Checkout After Shelf – If you want to continue working on the object, you will need to “Check Out” the object from the right-click menu. Since RFgen does not access to checked-out objects, the Undo Checkout After Shelf helps enable others (like a QA reviewer) to access the object after you had checked it out.

By default, the “Undo Checkout After Shelf” box is checked. If unchecked, others will not have permission to access the shelved object.

For more details on Shelving, see Find Shelve Set.

For information on configuring RFgen to connect to a Source Control system/server, see Configuring Source Control Integration.